
Putting the “Private” back in private lending.

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Warren Buffet and the State of Private Lending

During the teeth of the Great Recession there were literally thousands of short sale properties and foreclosures dotting the landscape, primarily in the Sunbelt and the Desert in the West.  Warren Buffett, in an off the cuff remark, stated that if he could he could he would buy 10,000 houses. He would fix them up…

Quick Math for the Real Estate Investor

The best investors that I have come across in the industry can evaluate a project on the back of a napkin over lunch. That sounds great in a short snippet, but what guiding principles drive these decisions? Start with the end in mind! First and foremost, you can’t decide what you will pay for a…

The Ecosystem for Investment Real Estate Finance in the DC Metro area

As they say, “All politics are local”. Well, really the same holds true for Real Estate. Particularly for financing Real Estate Investment projects. It very hard to evaluate a given market from across the country not having the local knowledge to understand the access to employment bases, traffic patterns, and even political pressure impacting permits…

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Chip Sher, 4SB Partners LLC

